Monday, October 31, 2011

(Gambar)Disebalik tabir photo shoot Majalah Nur

Seperti yang anda sedia maklum saya dijemput tampil dalam cover page Majalah Nur terbitan Karangkraf edisi khas pengantin muslimah(November 2011)

jom ikuti gambar-gambar di sebalik tabir photo shoot tersebut

ni bawah ni gambar masa otw nak g shoot pagi tu. tanpa secalit makeup. hehe. horror kan? siap ada jerawat yang sangat gedik tumbuh. saje je nak interframe tau jerawat ni. time-time nak shoot nilah dia nak menonjolkan dirinya. mencik aii...

muka tak nak letih je kan sebab memang tak cukup tidur. sampai-sampai dari Kelantan subuh tu balik mandi then terus pecut ke Shah Alam dalam kul 7.40pg tu. sampai Karangkraf tepat kul 9. then makeup. memang lama gila shoot haritu sampai dekat pukul 2 baru kitorang keluar dari Karangkraf. tapi memang tak terasalah masa tu coz crew2 semua best2. memang shooting kali ni seronok. semua macam mesra je. teringat kenangan shoot kat sana dulu. banyak gak yang dah berubah.

lepas selesai dimakeupkan oleh kak Ann Karim yang gorgeous, its time to shoot!

first dia panggil sorang sorang dulu.

pose duduk ada

pose berdiri pon ada.

Pas shoot personal habis masuk tempat make up balik. standby untuk dipanggil semula utk shoot beramai ramai. masa duduk tunggu ni kebetulan Jue Aziz tengah shoot untuk cover majalah Pengantin. she's gorgeous in person. but sadly saya lupa nak amik gambar dia. -_-

tu kat belakang tu set utk cover majalah Pengantin

tak lama lepas tu masa untuk shoot beramai ramai lak

The best and most memorable part bila photographer panggil "Lia, kepala tu lentok sikit" all three of us macam terpinga pingga. sebab tak tahu siapa yg dimaksudkan. semua pon lentokkan kepala. then sorang sound. "alamak, patutlah. semua kat sini nama LIA. Elia, Alia and kasih Alia(Fida)". kitorang pon tergelak besar. ha'ah la. kebetulan!

me and Dr Alia selalu confuse sebab jap jap photographer sebut nama kitorang Alia jap jap Elia. last last photographer sebut "Alia atas"(which refers to me!) dan "Alia bawah"(dr. Alia).

sebelum photographer sebut "all right its a wrap!", kami pon sempat bagi our signature pose - PEACE (",)v

me and Dr. Alia can simply click just in few minutes. ha tulah tetiba mood saya jadi super friendly dan mesra alam plak haritu. but seriously im really impress with this girl. she blew me away with her natural beauty and brightness. opss. hope i didnt sound lessie ;p paling best sebab dia dah memesongkan tanggapan saya terhadap doktor doktor kat dunia ni. haha. sebab she has proven that she has a beeeauutiful hand-writing. yelah, i used to believe that doctors have the worst handwriting. haha i know i can be quite gullible. =_="

Fida pulak saya tak sempat nak mingle sangat since she came quite late and she's in a rush maybe dia ada appointment lain afterwards. but atleast sempat la jugak bergambor berdua with her. hehe. yeayy ^_^/

So itu jelah ceritanya.
bergambar bukan main lama last last pic bawah ni je yang keluar . hehe ;)

dah.. dah.. gi dapatkan majalah Nur if nak tahu cerita selanjutnya pasal tajuk ni, my dream wedding, komen pasal isu berbangkit, 5 things org tak tahu pasal saya, dan butiran peribadi saya.

if xnak tahu pon takpe. tapi majalah Nur ni serious banyak tips menarik untuk fesyen tudung and sesuai sangat untuk bakal-bakal pengantin sebab dia ada all the things u need to know n prepare for a wedding

p/s: Pada sesiapa yang ingin memenangi hadiah bernilai RM400 bolehlah ke SINI

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bidan terjunam

Masa raya haritu (some time in september) awal awal pagi lagi my sis bangun kejutkan saya. tengah syok syok mimpi tetiba lamunan terhenti aceceh macam tajuk lagu pulak;p

tetiba my sis suruh saya makeupkan kawan dia,Fifi yang nak tunang hari tu.

then i said to her,

"uittt... tak beranilah Ya. orang bukan pandai sangat. kang tak pasal pasal spoil her engagement day. tak cantek kang orang compaint, then mak cik mak cik mengumpat eeehh buruknya makeup minah tu sapelah punya kerja dicontengnya muka budak tu yang elok elok comel jadi comot pastu nnti kwn awk tu depressed moody terus xjd tunang.. eeiii taknaklah"

then sis replied

"oooiit.. overlah awak exaggerate.. takde punya.. dia pon minta awak makeup light light tak nak make up over. dia nak nampak natural and flawless je."

so saya pon ikotlah.

nilah fifi. si bakal pengantin. hehe. first time jumpa dia. she's cute and sweet. muka xbyk masalah cuma ada sikit bintik bintik hitam macam pigmentation cmtu kot kt muka dia. so cuma kena focus on covering that jela.

mak andam sedang beraksi.

tanpa memakai bulu mata pelesu ;p

senang je makeup fifi ni. sbb dia nak makeup simple n sweet. bukan short and sweet ek. hehe.

ye ye.. sayalah mak andam paling selekeh di abad ini. make up org, diri sendiri bedak apa pon xpakai.

pakaian pon abes sempoi punyalah. sebab ingat nak makeup pastu blah. rupa2nya kena tunggu sampai majlis selesai.

bergambar sebelum rombongan pihak lelaki sampai

sesi perbincangan

yeayy.. fifi dah pon selamat jadi tunangan org! wah aku lak yg excited disini. masa ni perasaan saya bercampur baur. eh macam kau plak yg punya majlis ni tau. tak sesswaii. hihi

sebelum mengundur diri, haruslah bergambar kenangan dengan mak andam paling selekeh di abad ini.

sekalung terima kasih dan tahniah buat pasangan fifi dan kapt.fadzree kerana telah selamat mengikat tali pertunangan.. yg pasangan sedondon kat atas ni next in line. hehehe. ober tau depa dua ekoq ni ;p

since a few of my fren yang tengok pic saya makeup orang tunang ni ramai plak yang nak suh saya tolong makeupkan. alaa. ada yang just for fun, to attend formal dinner,dan ada juga untuk photoshoot. dah macam bidan terjun la plak.

ni antara mereka yang berjaya mendapat sentuhan jejariruncing. cehh. ayat macam good good je padahal takdelah hebat manapun. jom tengok siapa dah jadi mangsa contengan saya. huahaha*gelak jahat*

owh.yaa. last sem saya jadi salah seorang make-up crew untuk model model uitm. saje volunteer for the experience and certificates.. hehe ;p

Model-model uitm Machang masa jd usher for Pre-Graduation dinner

Ni pulak masa these models had their masquerade theme catwalk show

yes i know.. saya sangat pendek -_-"


p/s: to those yg TERBACA STATUS ni..sebelum tamat today, jom like gmbr kesukaan anda! apa2 pun like pageAnnasEaskey Photography dulu tau?

TODAY is the LAST DAY. thanx!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Tips Ubati Rakan Putus Cinta

Baru-baru ni a close friend of mine ditimpa gejala putus cinta. haa. macam musim lak sekarang ni. kiri kanan orang putus cinta. as a friend i felt obligated to give her a hand and walk her through this lagipun this is like her first time being in love so bila dah patah hati tu sure la frust menonggeng.

Oleh itu saya telah bertindak sebagai Bubbles, Powerpuff Girls to the resque.. off to save my dear friend who cried for help. hehehe. mesti ramai antara korang yang mengalami situasi yang sama. kawan rapat atau saudara dekat korang yang tengah patah hati. korang nak tolong tapi tak tau apa nak buat untuk menceriakan hati mereka. sometimes kita tak dapat nak tolong settlekan masalah mereka but the least we could do is cheer them up..

jom jadi ibu peri dan ceriakan hati mereka yang dalam kesedihan dek kerana putus cinta... ^^,

:: tiiinngg* ada gaya ibu peri x?::

Jom cek cek cekidaud tips untuk mengubati rakan yang dalam kesedihan ;)

1. jangan bersendirian

Jangan korang sesekali membiarkan rakan anda tinggal atau melalui saat-saat sedih ni bersendirian. Try to squeeze your time to see her and spend your time with her. Kalau tak boleh pon atleast rajin-rajinkanlah diri tu contact kawan korang tu. Tanya kabar, dah makan ke belum, buat apa tu dan beri kata-kata semangat kat diorang. Jangan sesekali men’down’kan mood kwn korang tu tau. Org tu tengah sedih. Atleast show some concern k?

2.Calm her down

Masa mula-mula tu korang kena bagi dia luahkan perasaan dia. Be a good listener. Jangan mencelah. Biar dia cerita dan curahkan apa dia rasa. Let her cry all she wants. Give her a hug, be a shoulder to cry on. Kalau perlu menangis sekali pon takpe. Bila dia dah habis cerita nangis sampai bengkak-bengkak mata, then korang boleh mencelah. Bagi dia semangat. Tenangkan dia. Bagitahu dia that its okay to cry but you need to get up and be strong. Relate-kan dengan cerita atau contoh-contoh orang yang pernah lalui kesukaran. How they went through hard times. Kalau nak relate-kan ngan kisah saya pon xpe ;p

3. Give special treatment

Untuk mengurangkan kesedihan kawan korang tu do something special for her. Korang boleh cuba cara saya. Go to her house, bawa segala peralatan yang patut. Do a “Do-It-Yourself”(DIY) home spa treatment to your friend. Buatkan facial, scrubkan badan dia, shampookan rambut dia, buatkan manicure pedicure dan apa-apa sahaja treatment yang korang boleh buat. Paling tidak pon offer her a neck/shoulder massage. Kurangkan tense dia. Make her feel appreciated and pampered. Kalau kawan korang tu jenis suka seksa diri tak mau makan so korang masakkanlah dia makanan yang simple but healthy then suruh dia makan. Kalau dia xnak jugak buat muka sedih ala ala puppy face and guna ayat sedih mcm “makanlah u, penat je i datang jauh jauh masak demi u ni tau.. tak kesian kat i ke?” haa.. kalau kawan korang tu lembut hati mesti dia jamah jugak makanan tu ;)

4. Girls fun time

Spend valuable time with her. Make sure you guys have fun. Antara aktiviti menarik yang korang leh buat:

Pergi shopping its the best therapy kalau masa tu korang masing-masing berduit. Kalau xberduit alamatnya window shopping jelah ye.

Tengok wayang - jangan tengok cite jiwang ye. Dinasihatkan tengok cite lawak. Takpon any action movies. Big NO NO for romantic movie. Kang ada yang meleleh lelebih kang nanti ;p

Theme park – plan awal-awal sikit jangan pergi time peek season. Nnti dengan korang korang sekali stress

Pergi spa, body massage atau saloon – manjakan diri sama-sama. Sambil buat treatment tu boleh borak-borak.girls talk atau gossiping. Masing-masing pon akan rasa relax dan refresh.

Play games – boleh bawa kawan korang main bowling, memanah, ice skating, atau any other games that u BOTH will enjoy.

::perrhh.. bila masa Elia sain contract ni ekk? ::

Karokk – salah satu aktiviti yang best untuk release tension. Bawa kawan korang gi karaoke. Kalau baget ciput karaoke jamban pon jadilah. Make sure korang yang pilih lagu. Kalau kawan korang tu yang pilih alamatnya lagu mendayu-dayu tangkap lentok tangkap leleh la lagu yang bakal berkumandang. Antara lagu yang best untuk korang nyanyi bersama-sama sambil buat mini concert ialah lagu hey ladies, i will survive, hush, all the single ladies dan lagu apa lagi ek yang kitorang nyanyi haritu?hurm.. lupa dah.. yang penting semua lagu yang rancak dan bermotifkan girl power digalakkan ;p

:: ada macam powerpuff girls x?hehe ;p::

korang jugak boleh buat makeover kat kawan korang tu. Makeupkan dia lawa-lawa put on a nice and gorgeous outfit then gi la keluar lepak or just window shopping berdua. Kalau bawa kawan-kawan korang yang lain pon takpe. The more the merrier. Asalkan janganlah bawa bf korang plak kua sekali. Tak ke menyiksa jiwa raga kawan korang tu. Simpan je bf korang tu diam-diam kat umah dia. Make sure semua girls je k? Gay friends excluded.some time its fun having them around. Hihi ;p

5. Keep updated

Kalau korang tak dapat nak spend time atau selepas abes spend time together gether tu mestilah kita pon kenalah balik ke pangkal jalan. Pulang ke rumah masing-masing dan teruskan kehidupan seperti biasa dengan kerja atau study but don’t forget to keep in touch with your friend ni. Slalu la text tanya khabar and ask how is she. Jangan diam camtu je. Manalah tau dia masih tak ok lagi ke lepas korang dah pergi. From time to time guide her to the right path. Bagi dia kata-kata semangat and remind her that she can always turn to you if she need anything. Nevertheless, Allah will always be there for her ;)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Featured in New Straits Times

i have no idea about this article. when it came out, i didn't even get the chance to buy or keep the newspaper. nasib lah ada this wonderful follower of mine yang informed me about this article muah sayang awak ;p. nasib boleh google. rupanya dah publish lama dah. sometime around last week. huhu. silly me.

yelah. interview ni pon dah lama gila kot tak silap saya. i was reluctant to be interviewed at first, but akhirnya agreed jugak after being persuade by the reporter. i asked them to promised me one thing and they agreed to keep it.

so, cek cek cekidaud!!

Stand aside Posh, here come our WAGs

Malaysian actress Rita Rudaini and Mohd Aidil Zafuan are blessed with two children and seem to have put all past acrimony behind them.
Malaysian actress Rita Rudaini and Mohd Aidil Zafuan are blessed with
two children and seem to have put all past acrimony behind them.

RITA Rudaini, 35, is married to Negri Sembilan and Malaysian centre-back and left-back Mohd Aidil Zafuan Abdul Radzak, 24.

The couple, who have been married for more than three years, have two children -- 2-year-old Airit Rayyan Rizqin and Airit Rafqa Arjuna.

When the couple first started dating, Rita, who is an actress and supermodel, was the bigger star in the relationship and was hounded by fans wherever the couple went.

"My husband is a caring and understanding person and in the early years, it was him who had to get used to the idea of having a girlfriend and later, a wife who was more famous than him.

"But things have changed and in my opinion, while I do have a fan base, it is Aidil who is more famous now with both men and women vying for his attention and autograph when we go out.

"But I am not complaining because I totally trust my husband and he is a loving and doting father to our two boys, and a good husband to me."

Does she get jealous over the attention her husband gets from female fans?

"Not at all. I do not feel jealous when women make a beeline for him because he is an honest man and trust is important in our marriage," says Rita.

Rita, who is 11 years older than Aidil Zafuan, says the huge age gap has not made a difference in their marriage. "I never worry about it."

The couple caused a stir when they married secretly in Songkhla, Thailand, in 2008. They kept the marriage under wraps until Aidil Zafuan's father held a press conference 10 months into the marriage.

The marriage, too, has been rocked by rumours of separation up until before the birth of their second child. Their ups and downs was fodder for the Malay tabloids and magazines.

"People can say what they want but we are still very much together," says Rita.

Actress Ayu Raudah was attracted to Zafuan’s twin Mohd Zaquan Adha’s good looks.

Actress Ayu Raudah was attracted to Zafuan’s twin Mohd Zaquan Adha’s good looks.

Meanwhile, actress Ayu Raudah, 25, is married to Aidil Zafuan's twin brother, Zaquan Adha, 24, Negri Sembilan and

Malaysian football striker.

Ayu Raudah and Zaquan Adha have been married for 10 months. Ayu says being a soccer wife has its ups and downs.

"It is nice to be recognised by his fans because of his football skills, but sometimes, it can get tiring when people pursue us incessantly, especially when we are out in public.

"My husband gets calls and SMSes (short messaging services) from his female friends, but he always tells me about them.

"There are days when I feel jealous, but I try not to let it get to me. After all, I completely trust my husband, who is a caring and responsible man."

So how did they get together? Ayu says she was the one who pursued Zaquan Adha and not the other way around, adding that she was smitten by his good looks.

Ayu says her husband does tend to get jealous when men pay attention to her.

"But he is always understanding. As an actress, there will definitely be fans who want to get to know us better, but I suppose they don't pursue us as aggressively as how some female fans go after footballers."

Ayu feels that life as a footballer's wife has not changed much for her, other than the fact that she makes an effort to be at soccer matches to support her husband and both the state and national teams.

"But even then, both of us continue to pursue our own goals. Sometimes it gets busy, therefore, we cherish the time we have together."

Sparks between stewardess Siti Aisya Adam and Nursharul Idlan happened on a plane.

Sparks between stewardess Siti Aisya Adam and Nursharul Idlan happened on a plane.

Siti Aisya Adam, 22, is the wife of Kelantan and national team striker and attacking midfielder Norsharul Idlan Talaha, 25.

The couple have been married for a year and are still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship.

Both, however, have busy schedules -- Norsharul has a punishing timetable and Siti Aisya is a stewardess with AirAsia -- and wish they had more time for each other.

But Siti Aisya is not complaining about her "hero". She met him on a flight back home from Singapore, sparks flew, and they eventually got married.

"It all happened so fast. When the Malaysian team boarded the flight in Singapore, I was the only stewardess on duty that day. The rest were stewards.

"Norsharul handed me his boarding pass and I was surprised to see his contact number on it.

"I decided to send him an SMS that evening after we had landed in Kuala Lumpur. He called me straightaway."

Norsharul, who was seeing someone else at the time, went ahead and dated Siti Aisya. That culminated in their marriage on Oct 10, last year.

"If you ask me, frankly, I don't like to be known as a soccer WAG. I don't like the glamorous lifestyle.

"I married my husband not because he is famous or a national soccer player, but because is a caring and loving person.

"He is a crazy person who makes me happy. When we go out, there are fans who want to talk or to be photographed with him, but that is okay with me because he is their idol.

"As for me, I prefer a quiet lifestyle and just being there at the stand supporting my husband when he's playing for his state or country."

So, do the Malaysian WAGs hang out together like the spouses and girlfriends of the English Premier League players?

Hardly, says Siti Aisya.

 They love sports and each other — Pei San and Mohd Amirul. Not many know they are dating, but they do now.

They love sports and each other — Pei San and Mohd Amirul.
Not many know they are dating, but they do now

Puah Pei San, 25, has been dating Mohd Amirul Hadi Zainal, 25, Malaysia's right winger for five years.

Not many know of their relationship as they keep a low profile.

Puah, however, can't say who's the bigger star in their relationship. After all, she is a national netball player herself.

"We are dating and don't think about who is the bigger star."

How did they meet?

"We met at Bukit Jalil Sports School eight years ago and have been dating for the last five years."

The shy and quiet Puah says not many people are aware that they are dating and she likes it that way.

Many Malaysian footballers' wives and girlfriends are not known to the public and she prefers to be out of the limelight so she can go about her life and perform her teaching duties at the Bukit Jalil Sports School without being disturbed.

But every time the couple go out for dinner or drinks, there would be fans who would run up to Amirul to have their photographs taken with him. But that's fine with Puah.

Does she attend all his matches?

"I don't because I am still a national netball player and have my own life. Frankly, I prefer the quiet life, away from the media and Amirul is okay with that."

Harmelia is moving on with her life after her break-up with national goalkeeper Khairul Fahmi Che Mat

Harmelia is moving on with her life after her break-up with national goalkeeper Khairul Fahmi Che Mat

Aimie Harmelia Mohd Hashumi, 22, is the ex-fiancee of national goalkeeper Khairul Fahmi Che Mat, also 22.

Life was good and fun-filled for Harmelia, also known as Elia, when she was dating Khairul Fahmi.

Before he became an overnight sensation after Malaysia won the AFF Suzuki Cup in December last year, the couple could spend time together with minimal disturbances from fans. But after after the victory, things changed.

Khairul Fahmi became a huge star and was pursued by many female fans.

"I cannot tell you much, but only that we have parted ways."

The break-up was not entirely an amicable one, based on reports in the Malay newspapers.

It was alleged that they broke up because of a "third party".

Wishing her ex-fiance the very best, Harmelia says she was the one who started Khairul Fahmi's Facebook accounts so fans can interact with him.

"When we were a couple, people used to not only stare, but wanted to get to know Khairul well.

"Sometimes, I would consider it an invasion of privacy, but other times, Khairul would just tell me to get used to having fans around us whenever we went out."

Even now, Harmelia, who is pursuing a course in banking, says people still stare at her in public.

But she is used to it. The attention will likely ebb with time

Read more: Stand aside Posh, here come our WAGs

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

jantan kejam

OK saya baru baca kisah ni. dari blog kak giema. Serius tragis.

Selalu kan kita dengar kisah rogol-bunuh ni. Memang dah biasa.

Tapi tahukah anda kejadian ini berlaku dari dulu lagi?

Ia berlaku di Jepun pada tahun 1988.
Masa tu saya pn xlahir lg. Berapa pula umur kawan kawan ye?

Watak utama adalah Junko Faruta yang berusia 17 tahun.

Watak watak setan adalah seramai 4 orang.
Yuzuru Ogura (tukar nama jadi Jo Kamisaku)
Hiroshi Miyano
Nobuharu Minato
Yasushi Watanabe

Baca kronologi dia.

DAY 1: November 22, 1988:
Kept captive in house, and posed as one of boy's girlfriend
Raped (over 400 times in total)
Forced to call her parents and tell them she had run away
Starved and malnutritioned
Fed cockroaches to eat and urine to drink
Forced to masturbate
Forced to strip in front of others
Burned with cigarette lighters
Foreign objects inserted into her vagina/anus

DAY 11: December 1, 1988:
beat up countless times
Face held against concrete ground and jumped on
Hands tied to ceiling and body used as a punching bag
Nose filled with so much blood that she can only breath through

her mouth
Dumbbells dropped onto her stomach
Vomited when tried to drink water (her stomach couldn't accept it)
Tried to escape and punished by cigarette burning on arms
Flammable liquid poured on her feet and legs, then lit on fire
Bottle inserted into her anus, causing injury

DAY 20: December10, 1989:
Unable to walk properly due to severe leg burns
Beat with bamboo sticks
Fireworks inserted into anus and lit
Hands smashed by weights and fingernails cracked
Beaten with golf club
Cigarettes inserted into vagina
Beaten with iron rods repeatedly
Winter; forced outside to sleep in balcony
Skewers of grilled chicken inserted into her vagina and anus, causing bleeding

DAY 30:
Hot wax dripped onto face
Eyelids burned by cigarette lighter
Stabbed with sewing needles in chest area
Left nipple cut and destroyed with pliers
Hot light bulb inserted into her vagina
Heavy bleeding from vagina due to scissors insertion
Unable to urinate properly
Injuries were so severe that it took over an hour for her to
crawl downstairs and use the bathroom
Eardrums severely damaged
Extreme reduced brain size

DAY 40:
Begged her torturers to "kill her and get it over with"

January 1, 1989:
Junko greets the New Years Day alone
Body mutilated
Unable to move from the ground
DAY 44: January 4, 1989:
After losing a game of majong, the four beat her with an iron barbell, poured lighter fluid on her legs, arms, face and stomach, and set her on fire.

She had been raped over an estimated 1000 times in total.

Gila babas kejam kan?

Mak dia kan bila dengar detail cara cara dia kena bunuh
tu sampai pengsan pengsan.
Siap kena undergo psychiatric treatment. Kesian weh :(

Yang xleh blah jantan setan tu dipenjarakan 5-10 tahun SAHAJA.
Tak tahu la aku kalau law kat Jepun tu macam gitu ke kan.
Tapi kalau ikut lojik akal dan otak manusia yang munasabah takkan la macam ni hukuman kau bagi.

Rogol, seksa dan bunuh dengan kejam selama 44 hari kot.
Gila tak setimpal. Gaya bukti macam kukuh.

Yang kena hukum pun encik Jo Kamisaku sahaja. Dia punya leader.
Itu pun 10 tahun.
Yang lagi tiga ketul bebas macam tu je.
Sebab dorang considered as juvana. Bawah umur.
Dorang punya hukuman ditukar kepada
'committing bodily injury that resulted in death',
rather than murder.Pergh boleh kan macam tu.

Adil ke tak?
Setan betul.

haaa.. kalau korang ada kuasa, apa agaknya tindakan yang sewajarnya
dikenakan untuk setan 4 ekor ni ek?? hmm.. lets get creative ppl ;p

Monday, October 24, 2011

Bride to be

Finally the time has come..

After a few months waiting patiently..

akhirnya.. segala persoalan dan rahsia bakal terungkai ;p

Impian perkahwinan Alia,Fida dan Elia…


yeah yeah... dah keluar pun..

so jom ramai-ramai dapatkan majalah NUR keluaran November

Edisi Pengantin Muslimah sekarang!

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