Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Girls, Don’t Go On with Him

Hey ladies!

Are you dating a loser and you don't even know it?

Here are 3 subtle signs to look out for!

1. He's got issues

- if the guy you're dating is always having problems with something

or other and it prevents you too from spending time together,

you may have a loser on your hands.

He puts you last on his list of priorities and that's not nice!

2. He's not happy

- if the guy you're dating is always in a sour mood and

wants to find everyone to blame, but himself, you may be dating a loser.

One day soon, he's going to want to shift that blame to you for something. Stay away!

3. He needs a nanny

- if the guy you're dating needs a woman in his life to take care of his every need,

you've got a loser on your hands.

He's the kind of guy who thinks he's God's gift to women and needs to be catered to.

Loser alert!


  1. nape u mcm frustrated je ??
    bukan ur bf tuh name die nazrul ke ?
    if im not mistaken la ..

  2. Mana ada..
    i ok je
    saja nk bagi tips kt girls out there
    dr org yg dah berpengalaman nieyh..hehe
    poyo gle


Tulis entri panjang sekali,
Jejariruncing nama diberi,
Dahulu Elia bergigi besi,
Lain kali comment la lagi!!

*mind your words.any harsh words will not be entertained ;)