Thursday, November 25, 2010

Nak tambah pahala tak?

Jom tolong kakak saya. dia masuk satu contest ni yang require org untuk vote dia kat fanpage I Love Bazaar ni. Korang kena buka fanpage tu, Like fanpage tu.. lepas tu tolong buka photo album contest tu then like kat kelima-lima gambar yang dia submit kat situ.. itu je.. senang kan? tak perlu bayar apa2 pon.. thanks ye korang.. mwahh~!!

She has to gather a minimum of 2000 LIKES accumulated from the 5 photos submitted. so i really need ur help. ^____^

How To Vote;
1. Like

2. Like ALL of my 5 pictures (right click and choose open in new tab)
a -

b -

c -

d -

e -


-Closets Of AmyAmy-

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Tulis entri panjang sekali,
Jejariruncing nama diberi,
Dahulu Elia bergigi besi,
Lain kali comment la lagi!!

*mind your words.any harsh words will not be entertained ;)