This is a sticky post until 6th March
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My Worth Buying Shoppe and Closets of AmyAmy
will be selling offline at this bazaar @ Subang Parade!!
will be selling offline at this bazaar @ Subang Parade!!
Feel free to come and support us there! We'll be selling these lovely NEW items...
spot us at booth
no. 32 & 33(Sat)
no. 24 & 25 (Sun)
event details:
date: 5th and 6th Mac 2011
time: 11am till 9pm
venue: subang parade (opposite of celebrity fitness)

our booth in Subang Parade
p/s: special discount only for walk in customers only. KFCM and I will not be there, but who knows? pernah je dpt cuti tibe2 ade kt sana. ;)
This is a sticky post until 6th March
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ololloloolo....akak dh folloe blog akk..jgn lupe taoo folloe blik yg sy pnya!!!!:-P
sgt impressed tuk pegi lah..beg chantek2!
wahh..manyaknye beg shantek2..like2
wow!! bez nye... alangkah bez nye kalau dekat T_____T
kalau eyka dtg and nampak kamu kat sana boleh ingat tak nickname ni. sebab eyka nak tegur u je :P hehe
jom pegi rame2!
6mac niey besday sy, ader dpt discount lbey x? kikikiki.
perghhh!! kaki shopping ni..
Jangan lupe singgah n komen k.. :)
New Entry "Sejarah 2008 berulang?!! "
rasa mcm nk pegi...byk beg yg cantek2...=)
hhahah hope kak elia and abg apex ada ek ? :] mau snap2 sama kalian lalu upload ke fb. huahuahaua InsyaAllah kalau ada rezeki. em tapi hari isnin tu kita nak exam. huwaaaaa :'(
kalo bwk mymacik pegi ni mau histeria beliau tgk beg2 ni sume eheh
beg2 tu, paling murah berapa? paling mahal berapa? ada discount tak?
Wah lawa2nya...
elia..if nk beli borong,boleh bg best price x?
elia...klu nk beli byk..
boleh bg harga murah sket x sbb nk jual balik...
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