Sambungan Entri sebelum ni. Part 1,

Funny story behind the surprise event:
1. Once the geng sampai, diorang tak tahu where we were seated. so Az texted me. nak bagi direction masa tu macam payah plus the brthday boy asyik dok toleh ke belakang menunggu makanan sampai. so memang I tak bagi diorang masuk lagi. therefore I cakap nak ke toilet jap.
then I rushed off ke kaunter where my friends waited up. masa tu lah saya terkejut. woww.. ramai datang! then I bagi diorang direction untuk ke our seat. (agak susah nak bg direction sebab memang I sendiri pon hampir sesat).
"Jangan masuk lagi. wait for my que. Once dia dok ralit makan baru i panggil korang datang. kalau tak dia asyik dok toleh tunggu makanan sampai"
2. So I went back to my place and continue our chat.. borak punya borak. nampak waiter hantar our food.. Tak lama lepas kitorang menjamu selera i texted Az to come in with the surprise.
masa tengah syok makan, dah dengar and nampak diorang masuk. dari jauh dah nyanyi "Happy Birthday"..
Si birthday boy dah toleh.. first time, tak ada apa respond..
second time dia toleh.. he smiled.. (and i thought he knew that time that it was for him)
tapi dia boleh sambung makan like its nothing..
sampailah dorang sebut nama dia.. "
" Happy Birthday to *HIS NAME*, Happy Birthday To You"
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gotcha!!! you dont see it coming rite?huhu |
baruuuuuu lah dia perasan.. terus muka merah and in shocked! yelah.. memang dia tak expect la since he choose this place and the candle light dinner and all. So he was touched. Mata pon berkaca skit masa tu *giggles*

3. Since I noticed he likes art crafts and popup cards, i gave him a custom-made popup card for his birthday from My Worth Buying Shoppe. Hadiah ni pon dia suke gile. weeeee

4. Masa duduk borak barulah tahu cerita yang masa the gang nak buat surprise tu diorang sebenarnya tak perasan our sitting kat mane. so dorang nyanyi je happy birthday while looking for us.. patutlah dari jauh dah dengar dorang nyanyi! bole tengok video dorang tak jumpa tempat while nyanyi happy birthday kat my instagram (id:elia_jejariruncing)

We both had an amazing end to 2015 where all our loved ones were there to celebrate together his special day and cherish the last moment of the year... and welcoming 2016!!

Malam tu we sat together. laughs, being silly and tepat jam 12, we enjoyed seeing the fireworks just by standing up and face the view of KL. tak payah nak redah jem waktu sibuk macam tu.

Thank you the the owner and crews of Lava Rock Grill & Pasta Restaurant, Gombak for having us. such a nice place, good people, great food and awesome embiance!

Tq darling
overlod sweet sika2 tahniah kak dah ade psgan :)))
awhhhhhhh so sweet lahh ! kat mana tmpt tu? nampak quite cosy. Anyway, jemput ke blog saya untuk info2 kekal cantik dan slim.
>>>Kurus sihat Semula Jadi!<<<
Tq dik ;)))
As mention in d blog, kt gombak ni je
hi darling!!! Thanks for dropping by at my blog that day.. mana boleh akak lupa pada adik akan yg super stong nie... hehe..
anyway congrats for your new life darling.. so happy for you! akak doakan semoga nanti Elia dpt pergi honeymoon di New Zealand ok! hehe.. insyallah..
Do keep in touch ya.. loads of love.. ;)
Sweetnya elia.. Mesti dia rasa sgt terharu. Moga bahagia hingga ke syurga. Amin
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