Ha.. dah lama sebenarnya entry ni tapi lupa nak publish. masa raya haritu if tak silap keluar artikel pasal Elia kat majalah URTV ni. just an interview with my darling Huzz. it was an interview via phone coz masa tu saya kat Machang. ingat lagi tarikhnya 8.08.2011.
Hahahaha. tajuk tak menahan ye. but its true. i don't want to think about it so much. i won't look for it coz love is something natural. that is why it is call "falling in love". we don't force ourselves to fall. it just happen. I'm completely happy with my life now and wouldn't wish to look back but move forward into becoming the best that i could be.
Minus all the negative people and atmospheres beside adding or keeping the positiveness around me is the best method I've develop so far. i have no time entertaining nonsense and crap. im looking forward in achieving what i want in life without any interferences.
Sometimes ppl might say or do things to bring you down, but it will actually making you more determined than ever! If they only knew ;p
I'm happy to be positive and optimistic in life. They make me what I am today and at this moment it doesn't hurt me an inch. worrying is a waste of time. it won't change anything. it messes with your mind and steal your happiness.
So for all of you out there, stay positive and just be happy with what you have. let those who hate you eat their own hearts out because we don't even have time to care ;D
love?? ada apa dengan cinta? simpan la cinta untuk yg layak...jgn mudah bagi cinta..kerana cinta itu terlalu berharga...
cinta akan datang tanpa diundang...
cinta akan pergi tanpa di paksa...
ai awk!
ye same name dgn saya!
hihihihi... bagus2!great!
love i beig everywhere kan
go to live long peacefully
selamat ari jumaat!=]
It's good to be positive...:-D
caya laaa akak ! kuat semangat and gud luck~ chaiyok chaiyok ! :)
Don't find love, let love find you.
That's why it's called falling in love because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fail.
sudah tertulis jodoh kamu dgn org lain..xpek2...blajo rerajin dulu...umo pn muda g...
cinta tu akan datang dgn sendiri :P
;)! suka kak tgk elia now....dh bounce bck ..u go girl!
U are strong elia!!keep it up!!
yeay ! saye sokong. :) saye suke ngan sikap tabah + thinking positive akaq. :)
sabar la elia..
macam ni baru power..alwiz think positive. just remeber..ramai gadis2 yang akan sokong elia. apa yang berlaku sblm ni jadikan pengajaran untuk masa hadapan..
rempah ratus kehidupan..girl power ya ;)
Hey sist, be strong ok? Masih byk yg lg baik mnanti akak d luar sn. Apa2 pun. mari kita hbiskn Final xzam dgn jayanya. miahahaha :)
wah! tabahnya hati mu elia.. 'im so proud of u :)
elia.. very proud of ur spirit.. all the best in ur life
good elia~~think positive
semoga dapat jodoh yang baik suatu hari nanti.;)
gud luck 4 ur life ;)
check out m blog..
good for you :)
sometimes i wonder how elia can pull through, u go girl!!!
wooaa , tabik springg ah kat akak ;) stay positive and just be happy ;DD mungkin Allah nak bagi jodoh yang lebih baik lepas ni ;)
kebetulan tgh melepak teman abah kat ijn ni ada lak majalah yg ley free je dibaca.. ngeh2. ada cerita adik banking kt ni. chaiyok.. u can do it dik
love is beautiful ..
kak Elia, tak tengok Malaysia lawan Australia ke? Apek dah bolos 3 gol tu, hihihi
keep it up sister. will support u!
tiru ayat sikit . ayat yg berinspirasi :D
well congrats, i'm happy for you :)
super lovely blog :)
Day By Diva
Day By Diva
tahniah! sy pun dari machang :)
go girl go.....sangat positive thinking....
bgus! ni bru betul elia.. jgn mengalah dgn cinta.. Allah dh tetakn yg tbaik utk kita.. juz wait n see
sangatttt stuju..! bangga tgk Ya skng..keep it up bebeh..hehehhe imy~!
xpe fikirkan kemudian!
hbis kan dulu bljar ea..heheh
Jom baca entri genk
xpa..awk comel...hehe..nnti byk lg yg mai mintak..hehe
super like.....kita perempuan kena kuat...
pasti ada seorang lelaki yg jauh lebih baik buat elia....skrg kejar cita2 elia dulu....
Jangan risau tau. Bila Allah ambik something dari kita sbb nak beri yang lebih baik. Stay strong. :)
ngeeeeeeeeeeeee ~
ade ape dgn cinte ?
*cecehh .. cm tjuk filem la pulakk ~
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