Something struck me when i opened my inbox
ye la. not everyday you received a mail from ""
the mail goes something like this :
Thank you for your applications for Dove Freshy - New Face. The response
was fantastic, thank you for your support.
We have shorlisted the candidates, could it be you ? Please log on to
Congratulations to those who made it to the second phase, for those who
missed out, don't worry
there are plenty of opportunity in the future. Don't forget to log on to
our website to find out about casting opportunities
and 3R latest activities.
I thank all of you for your great support and keep on watching 3R !
Respect, Relax , Respond @ tv3, SUNDAY , 730PM.
Then i was like "word?? for real??"
then jejariruncing ni pon ngan pantas menaip link 3r untuk merungkai segala misteri..
and zass..
:: xcaya lagi try click sini ::
HAHAHAHA!!! sila gelak sambil guling2..
Funny la i baru teringat few months back my sis pernah suruh i hntar pic kat this website..
"mane la tau awk dapat ke.. try je"
without any harapan menggunung i just buat apa yang disuruh..
I totally forgotten about it
tak sangka lak i was shortlisted..
but honestly, i dont really knw what should i do..
help me out guys!!
p/s : that girl(pic) on my left tu my ex-schoolmate.. Aeti..haha.. what a coincident!
Gratz... :D
ada style lah! (smbil memetik jari)...hikhik!
hahahaha thats the thing! naz ah suruh masuk konon2 nak masuk dua orang last2 dia tak register pun T_____T
Ehh i baru perasan, PAHANG?????
Cis, dia letak tempat lahir pulak.
you kne menang jugak!! klu ade voting .. i vote for you!!
wtf?? biaq betui... haha... masuk tv lak lepas nie... ada adik beradik artis... hahaha... :p
hehehe! (kembang kempit idung)
gee.. thanks guys..
I pon tak sangka dpt shortlisted..
wish me luck and doakan i kayh??
but do i have what it takes to be a host??
kak ya bleh pnye jgn la cuak sgt k...
all da best yeah..
luv u sis..muakhss..
congratz la kokyah deh..
lau da femes ingt2 la org kmpong sket k..
[femes ke?]
mesti la ingat.. korang kan side mirror kite.. sebelah xde mane leh.. kne saman nanti.. kahkahkah!
elia...i proud wif u dear...go go girl..u can do it n u strong....pedulik apa yg org ckp...yg penting kamu yg tahu perkara the way u think...apa2 po..wish u all the besh in ur life dear...^_^
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